Wednesday 13 November 2019


Biospeliology is the scientific study of cave life (speliology = the scientific study of caves).

Kids arrived at Quest to find it had changed into a dark cave with various creatures inside (pictures and models).

They learnt many new words as they explored the topic of cave life - Stalactite, Stalagmite (can they remember the difference?), Arachnocampa luminosa (Scientific name for the NZ glow worm), troglos (Greek for cave), tomo (maori for hole), ana (Maori for cave), troglobites (Creatures that spend their whole lives in a cave).

We looked at adaptations creatures have to enable them to live effectively in the dark - heightened senses of touch, and hearing, lack of eyes and colour. We looked at some NZ cave creatures - bats, Cave weta etc.
Glow Worms In Motion | Inspirational Geek
Did you know...?
There are glow worms by the waterfall at Shakespear Park. Take a trip out one night, walk the short track to the waterfall, turn off your torches and see if you can spot any.

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