Saturday 13 April 2024


 More topics investigated this term looking at the concept of progress...

TOILETS - how have they changed over the years and what difference has it made to people's lives. We also looked at problem solving designs such as toilets on the International Space Station. We thought about what possibilities there might be for toilet design in the future - how could we improve the design and function?

BIOMIMICRY - copying ideas from nature. We looked closely at biddy-bids and found out how the idea for velcro came from a scientist studying the burrs that stuck to his dog's fur. We looked at other interesting ideas from nature that have been used to design useful items for people. 

LEARNING FROM MISTAKES - we looked at things that have been invented by mistake such as post-it notes. We also thought about how some mistakes can help us learn and progress. "If you're making mistakes it means you are trying."

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 More topics investigated this term looking at the concept of progress... TOILETS - how have they changed over the years and what difference...