Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Language origins, advertising, and sharing ideas


Many children loved inventing their own 'Greekymon' using root words from Latin and Greek to create a character. They needed to choose 2-5 root words to make a name for their character, describe what the root words meant and the powers their character has, then illustrate it. Many made more than one, and some were creating cards similar to pokemon with health points and damage points added! 

We looked at origins of English and similarities to other languages, and learnt some te reo transliterations so students could see the origin of some words. Some tried expanding their vocab in other languages, some looked at similarities between languages for some words. 


We looked at tricks advertisers can use - how they use words and images, sound, lighting, emotions to influence us. We looked at what a loss-leader is and how this is used to draw people in. We discussed what we thought was the difference between persuasive and false advertising. 

Students then set about trying to create their own advertisements.

This Honda car parts ad fascinated many. 


Students were given the opportunity to work on something they would like to share with others. We talked about what makes a good presentation, how people can communicate effectively. We also looked at mis-communication - what can happen when people don't understand each other, and misinformation - when people purposely try to mislead others, and what can be the consequences of this.  Students were then given the opportunity at another Quest session o share if they wanted to. We had slide shows, speeches,writing etc. Very interesting!  

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