Wednesday, 9 December 2020


 Each year I ask Quest kids (year 3 and up) to give me feedback on Quest - what they like, what could make it better, what they'd tell others about Quest.

I love hearing from kids as they are so honest! The feedback is anonymous, unless they choose to add their name to their comments. It's really just to give me an idea if I'm on the right track and give them a chance to be heard and make suggestions.

Firstly - what they like about Quest... stand-outs here were the new learning, and fun / exciting learning.

Next - ideas for improving Quest. These were more varied. The most common suggestion was that we have a classroom and don't do Quest in the library - easily fixed as we are back in a room next year - yay! Other suggestions were for more time outside, more choice time, and longer at Quest. We also had suggestions for learning about things such as history, dinosaurs, animals - which I will try to add in next year. Some hopefuls suggested lollies and food could make it better!

I loved some of the things they would tell others about Quest...

"you should go to quest to because it's good for your brain and you'll learn a lot of things"

"that its amazing and really fun and that its really cool and we learn about different things every time"

"Quest is awesome - there is sooo much fun education!"

"quest is a fun place that you can go to learn more about the world in a fun way."

And finally... "it is fun and you learn a lot there even though it just seems like fun." This makes my heart sing! Isn't this what learning should be all about? I think if children have an interest in a topic they will be more motivated to learn - that's one of my aims at Quest. So nice to hear such positive feedback from the kids.

And my feedback about Quest?

I am the luckiest teacher around as I get to learn constantly from the kids I work with. I work with kids who love to learn, have great senses of humour, ask wonderful questions, and share so many ideas, as we all stretch our thinking together.

Have a good Summer break everyone - see you in 2021.

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