Our year 5&6 Quest groups have been taking part in Engineering New Zealand’s Rocket Challenge
this term. They have learnt about Newton’s Laws and the engineering process while developing their
own rockets. The groups have been lucky enough to have engineers volunteer their time to work with
them and guide their learning. Thanks to Dr Fei Ying - senior lecturer at AUT school of engineering,
and James Tayler - helicopter pilot and trainer, for the time given to inspire learning for our students.

Last week we were lucky enough to have a visit from an engineer from Rocket Lab. Kieran Fanning talked to the students about his pathway to working at rocket lab, and how they design and make rockets that go to space. These rockets are launched from Mahia Peninsula near Gisborne. The students were amazed to hear that the engines for the rockets are 3D printed. They heard how new smaller technology contributes to smaller satellite designs, which means smaller rockets can be used to launch them. It was very exciting to hear from someone who works with rockets for a job, and get to see the model of the electron rocket too. This has inspired our students to try to design more efficient rockets, using the engineering process to improve their designs. Thanks Kieran and Rocket Lab for making this visit happen and for supporting our students’ learning. The next Rocket Lab launch is happening within the next two weeks. There will be a live video stream of the launch when it happens. Check out their website.

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