Tuesday 6 August 2024

Term 3 - concept - SPACE


We are using the concept of space this term to look at a range of skills and attributes that can help with our learning.

Week 1 - What's out there?

We looked at what we know about space and how we can fnd out. We looked at the importance of
finding trustworthy information - checking that the website or books that we are using are up to date and factual. 

We looked at ways to help us remember facts such as the names and order of the planets. A mnemonic is a good way - a sentence that uses the first letter of each object we are trying to remember.

Eg: My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Noodles

Week 2 - Exploring space - telescopes

How do people know what's out in space? 

We looked at the skills of curiosity and problem solving. The first person to use a telescope to look up
at the night sky was Galileo Galilei. He was sentenced to house arrest as he had different opinions to the church at the time, who taught that the solar system was earth-centric. Gallileo observed that the Earth moved too, and suggested that the planets all orbit the Sun. His curiosity led to discoveries, but also to challenges. 

Problem solving had to be used years later when the Hubble Space telescope was launched and it was found that the primary mirror was the wrong shape so took out of focus photos. People persevered and found a fix for that 3 years
later.  And more problem solving skills needed to be used to come up with ideas to get the much larger James Webb Space Telescope into space. This was achieved by folding the components for launch, and unfolding them after it was in space. 

Week 3 - Space travel

We looked at how competition and collaboration have helped humans to increase their knowledge and ability around space exploration. We looked at how competition helps us to improve, looking at how athletes aim high, work hard, and learn from mistakes in the Olympics. And we looked at how the Space race helped America and Russia to come up with new ideas as they tried to be first in many space travel milestones.

Then we looked at collaboration on the International Space Station and thought about how collaboration can help us to learn and grow ideas too - sharing resources and ideas, learning from and alongside others, supporting each other. 

Friday 7 June 2024

TERM 2 2024 - concept 'Pattern'


We started this term by looking at our fingerprint patterns and how they can be used for forensic evidence if needed. We noticed the different patterns and features used to identify fingerprints. We learnt about patent (visible) and latent (invisible) prints. We thought about advances in technology with fingerprint scanning. We considered the ethics of fingerprinting - should we fingerprint all people at birth - why / why not? 

We looked at pattern in architecture - how it is used for structure or for aesthetics. We looked at a couple of architects (Gaudi and Hundertwasser) who used their creativity to design aesthetically pleasing buildings. Architects need to be problem solvers and good communicators, as well as being creative. They often work closely with engineers who work out how to make the architects' designs safe and strong. Many children enjoyed designing their own house / bedroom - some used 'Planner 5D' to do this. 

Camouflage patterns can help animals to hide from predators or to sneak up on their prey. We looked at the different types of camouflage - concealing, disruptive, mimicry, disguise. Children had fun trying to find paper 'moths' that were hidden around the room. It was a good test for our observation and persistence skills! Children researched animals that camouflage, or found out about different camouflage uniforms, or designed / drew camouflaged animals. There are some incredible animals out there, such as cuttlefish. 

Some groups looked at breaking the pattern - changing our thinking to make a difference. We saw how attitudes to plastic use has changes since the 1950's. We thought about why attitudes had changed. As it was World Ocean Day we looked at the impact of plastic for the ocean, and some ideas people had to make changes. We thought about what the ocean might say if it could talk to us. Some children created slideshows to raise awareness of the amazing things that live in the ocean, or to raise awareness of problems facing the ocean. Some desined ideas to stop rubbish ghoing in to the ocean or to clean up the ocean. 

Here is a photo from TIME magazing in 1955 showing people celebrating the introduction of single use plastic. What has changed since then? When I asked children what they thought was happening in this photo they suggested the people had just done a beach clean or were recycling! How times have changed! Children were horrified when I told them what the photo was actually about. It was a great discussion starter for how our ideas change over time.

Saturday 13 April 2024


 More topics investigated this term looking at the concept of progress...

TOILETS - how have they changed over the years and what difference has it made to people's lives. We also looked at problem solving designs such as toilets on the International Space Station. We thought about what possibilities there might be for toilet design in the future - how could we improve the design and function?

BIOMIMICRY - copying ideas from nature. We looked closely at biddy-bids and found out how the idea for velcro came from a scientist studying the burrs that stuck to his dog's fur. We looked at other interesting ideas from nature that have been used to design useful items for people. 

LEARNING FROM MISTAKES - we looked at things that have been invented by mistake such as post-it notes. We also thought about how some mistakes can help us learn and progress. "If you're making mistakes it means you are trying."

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Guest speakers

 This term we have been lucky to have some parents and community members generously give their time to come and speak to interested students about their work / interests.

So far we have heard from Christian Stimson - Stimson Marine Design - about how he helps design boats and the problems that had to be solved to design a big, fast, electric passenger ferry 'Ika rere' in Wellington. 

Next we heard from Pete Flann about his work in the NZ defence force. Children were excited to be able to ask him questions and to hear about the range of opportunities for jobs in the defence force.

 Gareth from Cutting Edge Fossils brought in his collection and talked to interested students about the various prehistoric creatures that they are from. It's mindblowing to think of how old they all are. 

We were also lucky to have a visit from NZ Customs officer Chrissy Thomas, along with Luke and customs detector dog Yetta. It was interesting hearing about the work they do to protect NZ and stop the import or export of prohibited goods. We got to see some examples of things that had been confiscated, and also got to see Yetta in action - what a clever dog! 

Thanks to all of our visitors for sharing your knowledge and allowing children to ask questions and find out more from experts.

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Term 1 concept - PROGRESS

 This term we are looking at the concept of progress through various topics. 

We are looking at what makes progress possible - advances in ideas, technology, materials, and sometimes even by mistake (such as the discovery of penicillin)! 

We are thinking about whether all progress is good, and whether all people view progress the same way.

So far this term we have looked at these topics:

TRANSPORT - learning from mistakes

We looked at the sad story of the Titanic and how this tragedy meant progress was made in safety on boats in the future. 

MEDICINE - we looked at the discovery of penicillin and how
medicines have been developed to help people. We also looked at how understanding of what keeps us healthy has made a difference over the years - the simple understanding of handwashing to kill germs, and of supporting good bacteria with eating healthy food etc. 

BUILDINGS - we looked at the leaning tower of Pisa and why it leaned. We looked at more modern
buildings and thought about how ideas and technology have advanced to allow taller and more complex buildings now. 

Tuesday 5 December 2023

Looking to the future - and best wishes to those leaving us!

 For our final Quest session of the year we thought about the future. We looked at futuristic ideas and how they come about, and we thought about who can influence our future (mostly ourselves!). We looked at having a goal / plan and what it involves to get to that goal. The 'success iceberg' is good for us all to remember - success is a bit like an iceberg - you only ever see the top part of it, there is a lot more underneath it all. We may see people being successful, but behind success is a lot of hard work, perseverance, time, failure, good habits etc. 

We had fun imagining and creating ideas for the future and thinking about the future we would like for ourselves and for the planet. We talked about the space race and how it only happened because people had a plan and worked hard to make that plan happen - designing ways to overcome problems along the way. 

We debated whether it would be good in the future to have schools all online and looked at the advantages and disadvantages of that. 

My year 5&6 groups were so lovely. As the year 6's are leaving I always give them a little something to think about and to remember Quest. They in turn secretly organised a card and got everyone in class to sign it - I didn't even notice! Actually at one stage I called some of them out for chatting and passing a note around - only to find that it was for me - oops! 

I really love that I get to work with many of these children over several years, and I really love their feedback, enthusiasm, great ideas and questions. They really make Quest what it is, and I love that they get to bounce ideas off each other and learn so much from each other. 

Enjoy Summer everyone - year 6's and anyone who is moving to another school - I wish you well on your next learning journey, and I'll see the rest of you next year. 


Saturday 18 November 2023


 This term we have continued looking at the concept of challenge.

We have focused on how different people deal with challenges and the feelings that we experience when something is a challenge. We also looked at the benefits of challenge and how it can make us come up with new and novel ideas when we are trying to solve a problem.


We tried our own class records - who can make a lolly last the longest in their mouth, and who can carefully tear the lolly paper into the longest strand of paper.

We looked at world records set by others and thought about WHY people try to set world records and HOW they get there. 


We looked at the rugby world cup  and how people deal with the challenge of competition. We looked at skills needed to excel in anything (perseverance, time, effort, self-drive, support, coaching / teaching, equipment etc). 


We looked at the changes that happen through our lives - changing classes, schools, houses, interests etc. We also looked at some child development and how many changes occur in the first 5 years of our lives. We thought about which changes are more difficult and why. We then had fun imagining if we could press pause on our life at any stage which age we thought we'd like to be forever. There were lots of great ideas here - 'Be a kid forever so I don't have to work' , '18 because then I could drive and vote, and it's not too old and not too young', 'A baby in my Mum's tummy so I would be all cosy and warm' (not sure if Mums would like that forever - ha ha!!). And then we had some great thoughtful ideas - 'I wouldn't stop anywhere because every stage in your life is important and every mistake or tough time is important as it makes us who we are' -WOW! 


We looked at challenges in the ocean and differing opinions. The older groups had a simulated diplomacy
task - each group was given a different stakeholder group to represent in an imaginary location - commercial fisheries, Island residents who fish for their food and sell fish to others for money, a large neighbouring country with not much coastline (or Exclusive Economic Zone) and a big population to feed who value fish in their diet, Conservationists who are concerned about the ocean ecosystem etc. They had to discuss their position with government representatives and what they wanted, plus come up with ideas for how they could work with other groups to ensure everyone was happy. Lots of great debate and a realisation that it's not easy to negotiate with so many different needs and opinions. 

It's important for our highly able children to realise that challenge is part of life and actually can help us learn and grow. It's equally important that they understand that it's ok to ask for help if we need it, and to know that different people have different experiences and opinions so we need to be mindful of that and not expect everyone to be the same as them. Lots of great learning this term. 

Term 3 - concept - SPACE

  We are using the concept of space this term to look at a range of skills and attributes that can help with our learning. Week 1 - What'...