This term we have been lucky to have some parents and community members generously give their time to come and speak to interested students about their work / interests.
So far we have heard from Christian Stimson - Stimson Marine Design - about how he helps design boats and the problems that had to be solved to design a big, fast, electric passenger ferry 'Ika rere' in Wellington.

Next we heard from Pete Flann about his work in the NZ defence force. Children were excited to be able to ask him questions and to hear about the range of opportunities for jobs in the defence force.
Gareth from Cutting Edge Fossils brought in his collection and talked to interested students about the various prehistoric creatures that they are from. It's mindblowing to think of how old they all are.
We were also lucky to have a visit from NZ Customs officer Chrissy Thomas, along with Luke and customs detector dog Yetta. It was interesting hearing about the work they do to protect NZ and stop the import or export of prohibited goods. We got to see some examples of things that had been confiscated, and also got to see Yetta in action - what a clever dog!
Thanks to all of our visitors for sharing your knowledge and allowing children to ask questions and find out more from experts.