This term we are looking at the concept of communication. Each week we complete some activities together - discussions, games, brainstorming, watching a video to illustrate some new learning etc. Then year 3-6 children have the choice of a variety of ideas to take their learning further.
We started by looking at the different types of communication - verbal and non-verbal. Did you know that some common gestures that we use are different in some countries?
We also looked at the importance of listening as part of good communication, and we tried out some listening games to practice this.
Some children played a board game to practice their communication skills, some learnt about the skills of listening, some learnt the art of mime and tried some out, some worked on writing a story or poem of their choice.
Codes are ways to communicate quickly and/or in secret. We looked at different codes and ciphers and tried to find patterns to help us crack the codes. Children tried making their own codes, some tried computer coding using scratch, some looked at the history of codes and where they were used, some tried using the morse code machine that I had in class.