This term we are looking at Sustainability - looking after our world's living things and resources.
We looked at a variety of topics with a sustainability lens.
Where does it come from and where does it go? What does reduce, reuse, recycle, refuse mean? We found that if we recycle, reuse, reduce and refuse then there is less rubbish that will go to landfill.
We explored what can and can't be recycled and composted. We thought about how to encourage others to recycle. Some students designed contraptions to help reduce rubbish
PLANTSWe looked at biodiversity and why plants are important in so many ways - food for people, food for animals, shelter, shade, habitats, resources, medicine, beauty, etc.
We looked at how some animals affect others and the ecosystem. We focussed on keystone species like whales that can have an effect on their whole food chain as well as on the environment. We thought about how we can be kaitiaki and help care for animals.
Some of the year 5&6's helped to set up and run a sustainability challenge at our school gala this year to encourage others to think about sustainability. Many of our students care deeply about this topic and the idea is to empower them to be able to make a difference if they want to.