And along the way we had a wonderful inquiry into what we think is precious. This all stemmed from a comment I heard from someone at school last week - 'Look after water, it's precious right now'.
That got me thinking - is something precious only when it is scarce? Are some things more precious to some than others?
First we sorted items / statements into what we thought was precious / not precious, and children had to justify their decision. This encourages deeper thinking, to have to give a reason. We then discussed in groups which items we would change and why. We thought about what was the most precious thing to each of us - remembering that different people have different ideas and that's ok.

We looked at taonga - the Maori concept of treasure or something precious.
We discussed whether water is more precious now than it usually is, and why this might or might not be.
There was a lot of great respectful discussion that hopefully opened up thinking and got children to see that there are similarities and differences in the way we all think.
Here are some quotes on precious - do you agree or disagree...and why?