We also shared our ideas about the most interesting things we've learned, and the most important things we've learned. Interestingly, lots of kids thought art was one of the most interesting things they have learned. And I was pleased to see some thought going in to the ideas they think are most important to learn - values, respect, manners, maths, reading, writing, being kind to each other, being nice, how to keep yourself safe, how to make money, how to enjoy your life, how to bake. Nice thinking kids!
We explored what helps us learn (and we're all different - although lots of them said google! ), and what might get in the way of learning. Some good discussions and thoughtful ideas. Some of my favourites of their ideas for helping us learn - quietness, happiness, being willing to learn, imagination, my own way of doing things, sleep, perseverance.
Choices included a range of activities, but the most popular was designing a dream classroom. If only we could try some of the ideas - slides, pools, ice cream machines, pets, sofas etc. It's fun to dream!