Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Exploration continued

Throughout term 1 2019 we looked at exploration - from topics such as exploring our imaginations (creativity), to learning about explorers and qualities they need / have, to possible future exploration. This is a good website to look at the history of space exploration and possible future missions.  We debated whether or not we should be spending money on exploring space - lots of interesting viewpoints. The point of debates during Quest is not to decide right or wrong, but to open thinking up so that we can see different points of view and consider our own points of view.

As luck would have it, the week we were looking at space and future exploration, there was the announcement about the black hole image, so we looked briefly at Dr Katie Bouman and those who helped explore new possibilities when rendering an image of a black hole. 
There is so much to explore - from the minuscule to the huge, from internal to external. All we need is curiosity, determination, perseverance, certain skills, possibly help (or to know where to get help if needed) and we can all be explorers of something!

2024 highlights

 Another busy and fun year of learning comes to an end. Quest kids had some interesting insights into things they enjoyed about Quest this y...