Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Bee Mural finished

Over the last couple of days I have had my teens in at school helping to finish off the bee mural that the year 1&2 Quest kids (and a few year 5&6's) started. We have transferred the children's sketches on to the plywood base coats that the children painted. Hopefully it will be up on the PE shed wall near the bee house by the start of next year.
You need to check out the pictures - they are SO cute - we have put children's names by their one so that they will be able to identify them for years to come hopefully :)

This is a great positive action these children have taken part in - to help raise awareness of bees and their importance for our environment. Well done kids!

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Helping our planet

We have been looking at ways that we can help our planet. Often it seems overwhelming when there are so many issues, but if we all do a little bit we can make a difference. This is a good illustration of that:

We looked at examples of what others have done (Severn Suzuki's speech to the UN summit in Brazil when she was 12, Young Ocean Explorers raising awareness in NZ, the 'black mambas' protecting rhino and educating people in Africa, etc). We discussed what WE could do - use less plastic, use less electricity, pick up rubbish, talk to others about issues, make posters, plant flowers, join an organisation etc. These ideas were from the students. 

The junior groups started making a sign to inform people about bees so that they look after them, as we need pollinators in our world (thanks to those who donated paint).  Senior students practiced some debate skills with a debate on Trump's ruling that trophies from game hunting are now allowed to be imported into America. Some made posters about various things, some researched topics such as looking after our ocean (check out Young Ocean Explorers.com for a great interactive website by Riley and Steve who came to talk at school last year), some discussed ideas with their penpals and shared what they are already doing. 

Hopefully the kids have ideas for making a difference so that their children can enjoy a healthy clean planet.

2024 highlights

 Another busy and fun year of learning comes to an end. Quest kids had some interesting insights into things they enjoyed about Quest this y...