Friday, 13 October 2017


This term at school we will be looking at Sustainability. This is a topic I feel strongly about and I know a lot of children I teach share my passion to care for the environment. This is a tricky subject to  look at with gifted children as many are very sensitive and if we focus too much on the problems and not the solutions then it can become very overwhelming. So we will be looking at what concerns the children, introducing a range of issues to learn about, and most importantly looking at people who are helping to look after the planet and thinking about what we can do.

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The year 3-6 students will also be completing 
a longer project with penpal schools this term (they did a 1 week trial last term, with varying degrees of success!). I will be guiding them more so that they can get more out of it. Some of them did a great job with our introduction to Penpal Schools, some of them will learn how to be more regular and clear communicators! We will be learning how to introduce ourselves clearly and ask good questions to get information.

Free photo Bridge China Nanjing Fuzimiao Surroundings - Max PixelWe are going to mark the location of our penpals on a map and find out more about where our penpals live.

Our next penpal topic is “Protecting the Planet” and we will be looking at what we can do to help look after our planet.

We will be researching different issues that our planet faces, and looking at people who are finding solutions, and discussing these with each other and with our penpals.

2024 highlights

 Another busy and fun year of learning comes to an end. Quest kids had some interesting insights into things they enjoyed about Quest this y...